William W. Coventry

                                    Demonic Possession On Trial:
                           Case Studies From Early Modern England  
                                    and Colonial America, 1593-1692

                 It may cast some Light upon the Dark things now in America, if we just give a glance
                   upon the like things lately happening in Europe.  We may see the Witchcrafts here
                   most exactly resemble the Witchcrafts there; and we may learn what sort of Devils do
                   trouble the World.
                                                               Reverend Cotton Mather
                                                      Wonders of the Invisible World (1693)

                Demonic Possession on Trial demonstrates that the phenomenon of demonic possession                  
                reflects a society's cultural characteristics, intellectual perceptions, religious concerns, and popular
                 beliefs.  In this work, William W. Coventry analyzes seven legal cases of alleged demonic possession
                 from England and colonial America during the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  These      
                 examples reveal the political and religious rivalries, medical controversies, and inter-communal
                 conflicts that influenced the development and prosecution of the cases.  The book also sheds light on         
                 the Salem proceedings, which many times have been viewed only in their distinctive and radical    
                 sense. The Massachusetts colonists brought their opinions, memories, traditions, and laws over from
                 England, so these earlier cases almost certainly affected the mindset at Salem. After describing and
                 comparing these case studies, the author draws some interesting conclusions.  Though possession
                 cases all shared certain commonalities, the fascinating interplay of diverse influences and issues  
                 created vastly different outcomes, culminating with the executions during the Salem witchcraft trials.
   Two conditions are necessaryevack comme

      Demonic Possession On Trial
          History / Political/Religion
          Price: $14.95
          Author: William W. Coventry
          ISBN: 0-595-26589-8
          150 Pages

Available from Ingram Book Group, Baker & Taylor, and from iUniverse, Inc.

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Table of Contents
A Sample Case: The Trial at Bury St. Edmunds
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